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Eastern Standard Time
Graphs updated every 5 minutes

↓ 7 Day Weather History ↓
7 Day Temperature/Dew Point Graph
7 Day Temperature/Heat Index
7 Day Wind Speed Graph
7 Day Wind Direction Graph
7 Day Barometer/Rain Graph
7 Day Wind Run Graph
↓ 24 Hour Weather History ↓
24 Hour Temperature/Dew Point Graph
24 Hour Temperature/Heat Index
24 Hour Wind Speed Graph
24 Hour Wind Direction Graph
24 Hour Barometer/Rain Graph
24 Hour Wind Run Graph

- Current Weather Trends -

Temperature Rate Meter Dew Point Rate Meter Pressure Rate Meter

Weather Trends over the past 24 Hours
Temperature Rate Graph

Dew Point Rate Graph

Pressure Rate Graph

- Running Total Accumulated Precipitation Graphs -
1 Hour Total Graph

24 Hour Total Graph

- Today's Weather Summary -
Temperature High/Low
Wind Speed High/Low
Dew Point High/Low
Relative Humidity High/Low
THW High/Low
Barometer High/Low

Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V14.00
Data Collected by Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station