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Liberty Fairfield
Weather Center
Weather History
2:41am EST 10/22/24
Weather Condition Today (as of 2:41am) Yesterday This Month This Year Station Record
Precipitation: 0.00" " 0.17" 33.06" 62.31" 2011
High Temperature: 54.4° (12:00am) 77.8° (3:15pm) 87.9° (10/6/24) 98.3° (8/30/24) 104.4° JUL 7, 2012
Low Temperature: 49.4° (2:23am) 42.4° (7:34am) 32.7° (10/16/24) 0.3° (1/21/24)  -9.5° JAN 28, 2014
High Dew Point: 46.2° (12:00am) 54.0° (2:13pm) 69.7° (10/1/24) 80.2° (8/1/24) 83.9° AUG 25, 2023
Low Dew Point: 44.7° (2:02am) 40.2° (7:34am) 29.8° (10/16/24) -3.3° (1/21/24) -14.7° JAN 6, 2014
High Pressure: 30.25" Hg (12:00am) 30.38" Hg (10:38am) 30.57" Hg (10/18/24) 30.82" Hg (1/21/24) 30.95" Hg FEB 9, 2019
Low Pressure: 30.24" Hg (2:41am) 30.25" Hg (9:20pm) 29.74" Hg (10/13/24) 29.01" Hg (1/9/24) 28.87" Hg MAR 3, 2023
Wind Run: 0 miles unavailable 425 miles 13516 miles 28139 miles 2009
High Wind Gust: 0 mph (12:00am) 9 mph (1:32pm) 21 mph (10/13/24) 33 mph (9/27/24) 52+ mph SEP 14, 2008
Low Wind Gust: 0 mph (12:00am) 0 mph (12:00am)
Heating Degree Days: 1.5 unavailable 199.7 2898.0 5847 2014
Cooling Degree Days: 0.0 unavailable 48.7 1486.6 1562 2010
High Heat Index: 57.7° (12:00am) 77.7° (3:15pm) 92.0° (10/6/24) 110.0° (8/29/24) 123.4° JUL 11, 2011
Low Heat Index: 54.2° (2:02am) 48.3° (7:34am) 38.2° (10/16/24) 5.2° (1/21/24) -5.4° JAN 28, 2014
High Wind Chill: 54.4° (12:00am) 77.8° (3:15pm) 87.9° (10/6/24) 98.3° (8/30/24) 104.4° JUL 7, 2012
Low Wind Chill: 49.4° (2:23am) 42.4° (7:34am) 31.5° (10/16/24) -14.2° (1/20/24) -38.4° JAN 6, 2014
High Relative Humidity: 86% (2:40am) 94% (8:25am) 98% (10/1/24) 99% (1/26/24) 100% Multiple
Low Relative Humidity: 73% (12:00am) 38% (5:00pm) 32% (10/8/24) 22% (3/25/24) 14% APR 7, 2012
High Feels Like Temp: 53.8° (12:00am) see report
Low Feels Like Temp: 49.5° (2:23am) see report

See NOAA Reports for more details.

Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Annual - Data & Graphs (starting 12/22/2007) available at
Weather Underground

All Time Records for this Weather Station
January 1, 2008 - Present
  Maximum Temperature   104.4°   July 7, 2012 @ 3:45pm  
  Minimum Temperature   -9.5°   January 28, 2014 @ 7:21am  
  Maximum Dew Point   83.9°   August 25, 2023 @ 12:58pm  
  Minimum Dew Point   -14.7°   January 6, 2014 @ 8:13pm  
  Maximum Pressure   30.95" Hg   February 9, 2019 @ 11:34am  
  Minimum Pressure   28.87" Hg   March 3, 2023 @ 4:52pm  
  Maximum Heat Index   124.2°   July 11, 2011 @ 2:49pm  
  Minimum Wind Chill   -34.8°   January 6, 2014 @ 9:35pm  
  Maximum Mean Temperature   89.0°   July 7, 2012  
  Minimum Mean Temperature   -0.3°   January 28, 2014  
  Maximum Wind Gust   52+ mph   September 14, 2008 @ 4:01pm  
  Maximum Solar Radiation   1394 W/m2   June 6, 2010 @ 12:33pm  
  Minimum Relative Humidity   14%   April 7, 2012 @ 3:11pm  
  Maximum Rainfall Rate   17.45 "/hr   June 2, 2010 @ 6:08pm  
  Maximum Annual Mean Temperature   56.6°   2012 (3.3° above normal)  
  Minimum Annual Mean Temperature   52.0°   2014 (1.3° below normal)  
  Maximum Annual Mean Pressure   30.05"   2013  
  Minimum Annual Mean Pressure   30.01"   2010  
  Maximum Annual Wind Run   28,139 miles   2009  
  Minimum Annual Wind Run   22,643 miles   2012  
  Maximum Annual Heating Degree Days   5,847   2014 (610 above normal)  
  Minimum Annual Heating Degree Days   4,546   2012 (691 below normal)  
  Maximum Annual Cooling Degree Days   1,562   2010 (616 above normal)  
  Minimum Annual Cooling Degree Days   982   2009 (36 above normal)  
  Maximum Snow Storm Total   13" +/-   March 7-8, 2008  
  Maximum 15 Minute Rain   1.13"   August 24, 2008 @ 8:21pm-8:36pm  
  Maximum 1 Hour Rain   2.81"   June 26, 2009 @ 12:00am-1:00am  
  Maximum Daily Rain   4.20"   September 26, 2011  
  Maximum 24 Hour Rain   4.71"   September 4-5, 2022  
  Maximum Rain Storm Total   6.74"   September 3-6, 2022  
  Maximum Monthly Precipitation   12.22"   April 2011  
  Minimum Monthly Precipitation   0.73"   September 2008 & September 2010  
  Maximum Annual Precipitation   62.31"   2011 (19.40" above normal)  
  Minimum Annual Precipitation   35.24"   2010 (7.67" below normal)  
  Maximum Daily Evapotranspiration   0.31"   April 25, 2009  
  Maximum Water Year   54.16"   2010-2011 (11.25" above normal)  
  Minimum Water Year   36.03"   2009-2010 (6.88" below normal)  

Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V14.00
Data Collected by Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station