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Gauges updated every 5 minutes
- Wind -
Local Average Pressure is 30.02"
Record Low = 28.81" (Jan, 26, 1978 - "Severe Blizzard")
Record High = 30.93" (Jan. 18, 1921)
- Humidity Index & Heat Stress Index -
- Current Weather Trends -
- Current Rainfall Rate -
If the meter above shows red horizontal bars - use the gauge below.
0.01 - 0.09 = Light Rain  
     0.10 - 0.29 = Moderate Rain
0.30 - 1.00 = Heavy Rain
1.01 - 3.00 = Very Heavy Rain
3.01 - 6.00 = Extremely Heavy Rain
Greater than 6.00 = Dangerously Heavy Rain
- Precipitation -
Each "Full" mark represents the maximum value ever recorded by this station
- Today's Weather Summary - |
Never base important decisions on this or
any weather information obtained from the Internet
Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station V14.00
Data Collected by Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station